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Research your dog food

“The most important advice I give to owners of West Highland White Terriers is to research your dog food. A lot of Westies are prone to skin issues, and people want a formulaic answer to solve what’s going on, but it’s not that easy. I think some dog foods promote yeast growth, and yeast is a bad thing for Westies. It gets in their armpits, in their pads, and it just grows — I have a couple of friends that have Westies, and they chew themselves raw. It’s really sad. People assume it’s allergies, but it may not be. It may be something like too much sugar in the food or too many carbohydrates, which produces sugar, which fuels yeast. Always research their food and talk to your vet about what is appropriate.” –Vanessa Skou, West Highland White Terrier breeder and fancier

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